20 06, 2014
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What makes the ayahuasca ceremony unique?

By |June 20th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments

http://aya-awakenings.com/watch Erik Davis, author of TechGnosis examines the current ayahuasca culture in the West and its connection to the 1960’s psychedelic wave. Beatniks in the 1950’s took peyote and morning glory seeds; LSD surged in [...]

28 05, 2014

    Power and Plant Spirit Shamanism: Part II

    By |May 28th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments

    (You can find Power and Plant Spirit Shamanism: Part I here.) Before we go deeper, it should be mentioned that tens of thousands of people drink Ayahuasca in South America and all over the world [...]

    28 05, 2014

      Power and Plant Spirit Shamanism: Part I

      By |May 28th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments

      Welcome To The Jungle. It was after around five years of experience with Ayahuasca that I finally felt the timing was right for me to make the pilgrimage to its cultural home, the Amazon Rainforest. [...]

      1 05, 2014

      Less talk, more feel.

      By |May 1st, 2014|Blog|0 Comments

      “Why aren’t we allowed to talk in ceremony?” Alexandra had asked me at some point. I explained what I knew about it distracting others, and more importantly it being a distraction from looking into oneself. [...]

      27 03, 2014

      Meeting The Tobacco Spirit

      By |March 27th, 2014|Blog|0 Comments

      Many of those discovering Ayahuasca in the western world aren’t really aware that it is actually part of a wider Amazonian practice of plant based healing. The Amazon has a reputation as the medicine bowl [...]

      27 06, 2013

        Awakenings – The Shaman’s Path

        By |June 27th, 2013|Blog|0 Comments

        Terence McKenna was one of the foremost proponents of the need for an “Archaic Revival” of culture. In his 1989 bookFood of the Gods, he wrote: “Psychedelic shamans now constitute a worldwide and growing subculture of hyperdimensional explorers, many of whom are scientifically sophisticated.