Meet the team

Rak Razam

Norma Panduro Navarro
Norma Panduro Navarro, who appears briefly in this film but sings numerous icaros which capture the spirit of ayahuasca, was born in the floating city of Belen, in Iquitos in 1944. She fell sick in her early teens and was introduced to ayahuasca,which, combined with a rigorous diet, saved her life. She then devoted herself to the science of curanderismo and healing the sick with the use of Amazonian plants, becoming one of the most high-profile women curanderas in Peru.
In recent years she founded the Estrella Ayahuasca Center to share the medicine of ayahuasca with Western seekers, and was joined by co-partner Paula Harbrink Numan (“Tarzana”) to promote it. Sadly, Senora Norma Panduro Navarro, passed away on September 29th, 2007 in Iquitos, Peru, and is sorely missed.

Percy Garcia Lozano
Percy Garcia Lozano comes from a tradition of curanderos and was initiated into the science of ayahuasca at age ten. By his early 30s he was one of the new breed of indigenous shamans straddling two worlds – his indigenous heritage and the globalized 21st century. He lives in Iquitos and balances his work between treating locals and the growing rise of Western ayahuasca seekers.

Ron Wheelock
Ron Wheelock is an Iquitos-based shaman from the midwest of the United States who trained for many years with indigenous curanderos.
Ron was called by the spirit of ayahuasca to do his healing work and in many ways he epitomizes the new breed of Western shamans following indigenous wisdom and working with ayahausca and DMT. His son Quetzalcoatl is with him at all times, watching, playing, absorbing everything he’s doing with the science of curanderismo.

Terence Mckenna

Kevin Furnas
Kevin Furnas was a Western shaman from San Francisco who trained with ayahuasca and other plant medicines for over a decade. He dieted extensively with plants at the Sachamama Ethnobotanical Gardens retreat for nearly two years, receiving knowledge and wisdom from the plant doctors directly. He was an ayahuasquero and vegetalista in the Amazonian tradition, performing healing with ayahuasca and other healing plants.
Kevin Furnas died in Cuzco, Peru, in April, 2007. His ashes were distributed among the sequoias and redwoods of Big Sur, California.
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Rak Razam

In 2006 he visited Peru on a feature magazine assignment to see what the almost mythical archetype of the shaman was really like in the 21st century. Excerpts from AYA, A Shamanic Odyssey have been published in Australian Penthouse (Sept 2006); High Times (Aug 2007); and Filmmaker magazine online (Oct 2007). He was also interviewed and appears in the CBC’s 2007 audio documentary In Search of the Divine Vegetal talking about his ayahuaca experiences, which has been broadcast twice due to special demand to millions of people throughout North America. A founding editor of Undergrowth, Australia’s leading counterculture arts and literature magazine, Razam is an “experiential journalist” that participates in the experiences he writes about, giving his global audience an intimate familiarity with his subjects. This has made for some rollicking adventures on the fringes of the counterculture, which have been published globally and recounted in his writings. The author is available for interviews about the book and to talk about the resurgence of ayahuasca use and global shamanism.
For more information visit

Timothy Parish

Lulu Madill

Mitch Schultz

Visionary Art
The late Pablo Amaringo was an acclaimed Peruvian artist, renowned for his intricate, colourful depictions […] Read more.
Visionary Art
Andy was one of founding students of the Usko-Ayar Amazonian School of Painting which was established […] Read more.
Electric Sheep Animations
First created in 1999 by Scott Draves, the Electric Sheep is a form of artificial life, which is to say it is […] Read more.
Fractal 3-D Videos
Brummbaer is a German digital artist who has done work as an art director, designer, graphic artist […] Read more.
Fractal 3-D Videos
Australian psychedelic animator Beau Deeley comes from a family of artists and learnt from a young age […] Read more.
Visionary Art
Pete Walker from is an all-round graphics and multimedia creator from Darwin […] Read more.
Shpongle is an English psychedelic music project formed in 1996. The group includes Simon Posford (aka Hallucinogen) […] Read more.
Tipper makes music for sound systems, with a diversity that ranges from bass fuelled electro-breaks, to hip-hop […] Read more.
Lulacruza is made up of Alejandra Ortiz (Colombia) and Luis Maurette (Argentina). Alejandra is an extraordinary […] Read more.
Born in the Netherlands, currently traveling, Maneesh mastered the art of sound synthesis and sound sculpturing […] Read more.
Darpan travels extensively around the world delivering concerts, sound healing seminars and shamanic retreats […] Read more.
Pablo Amaringo
Andy Debernardi
Andy was one of founding students of the Usko-Ayar Amazonian School of Painting which was established in 1988 in the city of Pucallpa by Pablo Amaringo and Luis Eduardo Luna. He held key roles in the project as the financial administrator as well as one of the main teachers. He also produced illustrations for publishing house, Inner Traditions which were used for the covers of; ‘Inner Paths to Outer Space’ written by: Rick Strassman MD, Slawek Wojtowicz MD, Luis Eduardo Luna and Ede Frecska, and the book ‘Psychotropic Mind’ written by Jeremy Narby, Jan Kounen and Vincent Ravalee. He is currently living with his family in Lima.
Scott Draves


Deau Deeley

Pete Walker / Imagineer


To download Shpongle’s song “Divine Moments of Truth” used in the film, click here

To download Tipper’s song “Ever Decreasing Circles” used in the film, click here

To download the Lulacruza’s and MJ Greenmountain songs “Nina Tusuna” and “Jaguares” used in the film, click here
Maneesh De Moor

To download Maneesh de Moor’s song “Raindance” used in the film, click here

To download Darpan’s song “Peace Invocation” used in the film, click here