What is Shamanism?
Their role has been that of healer, priest and traveler between worlds, acting as intermediaries between the spiritual dimension and this world on behalf of their patients. Yet the demands of the profession and the rise of Western materialism throughout South America have seen a fall in prestige, and customers, for the curanderos.The profession, usually hereditary, was in danger of extinction before an unprecedented wave of Westerners started coming in search of ayahuasca and the healing it could provide.
What is Ayahuasca?
What is DMT?
The mechanism of DMT is believed to be intimately connected to consciousness itself, where its similarity to the neurotransmitter serotonin allows it to bond to serotonin receptors in the brain and trigger hallucinogenic activity. Some medical researchers, like Jc callaway, of the department of Pharmaceutical chemistry at the university of Kuopio in Finland, believe it may be involved in producing the visual hallucinations we experience in dreaming.
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What is Awakening?
Terence McKenna was one of the foremost proponents of the need for an “Archaic Revival” of culture. In 1989 he wrote: “Psychedelic shamans now constitute a worldwide and growing subculture of hyperdimensional explorers, many of whom are scientifically sophisticated. A landscape is coming into focus, a region still glimpsed only dimly, but emerging, claiming the attention of rational discourse–and possibly threatening to confound it.
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Twenty-three years later the massive global shamanic resurgence, spearheaded by the ayahuasca movement worldwide, is seeing critical mass of individuals exposed to the shamanic realms and healing the great medicine ayahuasca can provide. While the West commercialises and commodifies the ayahuasca experience, a critical mass are also being initiated into a spiritual awakening that is larger than the plants themselves, and goes straight to the core of the human experience.
You might think that ayahuasca is a niche subject but it is rapidly becoming a mainstream one that is peaking in global media. Ayahuasca could be the new global sacrament.